Nakivale, Uganda

Date: February 2024

Cost: approximately $2,000/person for 5 people = $10,000

Refuge Bowling Green is partnering with a non-profit organization called Aid to Vulnerable Schoolchildren (or ADEVS) to serve the needs of refugees who have been displaced in East Africa.

This year a small group of ADEVS and Refuge staff will travel to Nakivale Refugee Camp in southern Uganda. Nakivale (pronounced NA-ki-VA-lay) is home to over 100,000 refugees from Congo and other East Africa nations. We will support the mission of ADEVS by providing backpacks and school supplies—items that might not otherwise be readily available to children in the camps—and lay the groundwork for future teams to come from the U.S. in support of the mission of ADEVS.

Help make this trip more affordable by giving a generous financial gift.

Just fill out the form on this page or send a check payable to:

Refuge Bowling Green, 601 Graham Drive, Bowling Green, KY  42101


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